Then & Now: Conversations with Old Friends

Art and Poetry Anthologies, Daniel McGinn, Esmeralda Villalobos, Kelsey Bryan-Zwick, Sarah Thursday, Terry Ann Wright

Then & Now: Conversations with Old Friends is a unique collection of poetry and art pairs inspired by the theme of “Then and Now”. 120 pages, perfect bound collection, 50 pairs of work from 45 poets and artists, with cover art by Alyssandra Nighswonger.  Edited by Sarah Thursday, assisted by Terry Ann Wright. Available through Sadie Girl Press Bookstore.

Then & Now: Conversations with Old Friends is a collection of poetry and art in conversation with the past. Within these pages appear pairs of works, which provide an insight into the growth of the artists and poets as both creators and as people. With contributors both well-known and up-and-coming, this book is a journey through time, through reflections, and through pain. The breadth and depth of the work within will enlighten, delight, and reveal life in all its beautiful glory and harrowing darkness. Come, join the conversation, and discover something new.” ~K. Andrew Turner, editor of East Jasmine Review

Includes work by Alexis Rhone Fancher, Amélie Frank, Avra Kouffman, Betsy Mars, Beverly M. Collins, Boris Salvador Ingles, Brandon Dumais , Brandon Williams, Brian Christopher Jaime, Brittni Suzanne Plavala, Carla Carlson, Clifton Snider, Daniel McGinn, Erica Brenes, Esmeralda Villalobos, Fernando Gallegos, Frank Kearns, Frank Mundo, G. Murray Thomas, Gerald Locklin, John Guzlowski, Joy Shannon, Judy Barrat, Julie Standig, K. Andrew Turner, Kelsey Bryan-Zwick, Ken Oddist Jones, Kevin Patrick Sullivan, Laryssa Wirstiuk, Lynne Thompson, Marco A. Vasquez, Marcus Clayton, Martin Willitts Jr., Natalie Morales, Robin Dawn Hudechek, Robin Steere Axworthy, Sally Deskins, Sarah Lim, Sarah Thursday, Sharon Elliott, Steven Marr, Suzanne Allen, Teresa Mei Chuc, Terry Ann Wright, and Tobi Alfier.