Doe Eyed Venus

Available Now, Elmast Kozloyan, Poetry Chapbooks

Debut chapbook, Doe Eyed Venus, by Elmast Kozloyan. 18 pages, perfect bound with cover “Rorschach Test” art. 2nd edition printing in collaboration with Inside Lantern Press. Available through Sadie Girl Press Bookstore.

“Elmast Kozloyan’s poetry is a feast of enchantment—her grasp for language, evidence she is not from this world entirely, but from a place of pure magic where words crowned her their queen.  Thankfully she has stepped away from that realm and into this one to share with us, Doe Eyed Venus.  This fine collection of poems explores the alchemy of a hungry youth into an empowered adult, one who is unafraid to find strength in her desires and learns to rule over them with grace.  And while I may be under her spell, I am of right mind when I say: Elmast is a poet to keep an eye on.” ~Eric Morago, Author of What We Ache For and Here For The Friction