Selfish Work Timeline

Press News!

For those of you interested in the 3rd issue of Incandescent Mind on Selfish Poems and Art, here is the following estimated timeline:

April 30th is the last day sign up to for our reaction art.

Acceptance notifications for writing pieces will be sent out in May.

May 31st will be the last day to submit any art or photography, including reaction pieces. See Facebook event page.

Final decisions on art will be made in July.

Layout and design, proofing, and printing stages may take an additional 2-3 months.

We are aiming for a fall release. Please follow us on Facebook for the latest information.


Call for Selfish Art and Photography

Press News!, Submission Calls

Issue three of Incandescent Mind is looking for selfish art and photography. Artists can send in creative interpretations of the self portrait OR can be included in a special project to create work in response to the selected writings. Incandescent Mind is a full-color print journal, with poetry and prose. We prefer work that is raw, personal, emotional, and/or vulnerable.

Submissions for Art will close April 30th, 2017.

Submissions can be taken through this form:
(If you have trouble, please email us at

We’re looking for art related to the topic of selfish work, possibly self-portraits (realistic or abstract), or other work that reveals your self. This is not limited to a typical face portrait, but can be of other perspectives of the self. It can be yourself at a different age, such as a child or older than you are now. It can reveal alternate versions of yourself. It can be an image that reveals what is inside of you. Feel free to be creative, but we want work that tells a story about you.

We are also looking for artists who would like to create work in reaction to the selected writing pieces. When the final writing pieces have been chosen, you would receive a copy of all the writing. If a piece inspires you, you can create a piece in reaction to it. If you are interested, email us at and we will contact you with the details.

We would love paintings, drawings, photography, digital art, collage, etc. in color or black and white, or any mediums that transfer well as a jpg or png file. If you aren’t sure, send us what you have and we’ll let you know! You may submit up to 10 high resolution images (200 dpi). Please include titles with your images (preferably in the file names).

Include a 100-word max, 3rd person bio with website or social media contact information where people can learn more about you.

Artists will retain the rights to their individual work. We do not offer payment other than one complimentary contributor copy.

For more details and updates, please join the Facebook event.